eSports Workshop
In need of a tailor-made E-Sports strategy? Then join us for a workshop geared towards your needs. The operational implementation of the workshop is divided into three modules or phases:
Workshop Module Phase 1
Survey incl. evaluation, benchmarking and research |
Workshop Module Phase 2
The actual workshop with an interdisciplinary team of experts from the areas of E-Sports, marketing, digital communications and sponsorship.
Determination of starting point | |
Definition of target markets and target groups | |
Charting a potential entry into the E-Sports segment (customer experience, processes, budget, etc.) |
Workshop Module Phase 3
Analysis and development of a recommendation | |
Presentation, recommendation, discussion and adaptation |
Why by the way? |
Agency lives transformation and knows the challenge of digitization |
Experience in communication and marketing in classical sport |
Own E-Sports unit with multiple Swiss champions and entrepreneurial experience in setting up and running E-Sports leagues and E-Sports events |
IIntegration of additional national / international E-Sports experts as needed |
Neutral advice, offer from one source |
Agency of the Swiss E-Sports Association (SeSF) |
You get these! |
Pre workshop module (research, benchmarking, questionnaire, preparation etc. / approx. 3 – 4 working days) |
Workshop with interdisciplinary team (3 – 4 persons) with know-how from E-Sports, marketing, digital communications, marketing etc. |
Post Workshop Module (Evaluation, Workshop, Rough Scenarios and Recommendation for getting started in E-Sports, etc. / approx. 3 – 4 working days) |
Networking with protagonists of the Swiss E-Sports scene |
Who is the workshop for? |
Marketing and sponsoring officers |
All industries |
Nicolas Bizirianis
Mathematik Studium an der ETH Zürich Abschluss: Master of Computational Science and Engineering
2002 – 2010 Counter-Strike 1.6
- Spieler in verschiedenen Teams: ARTLEZ, endless inspiration, Justplay, finals.task, TBH
- 6-facher Schweizer Meister (2004 – 2009) (Gewinner der Schweizer Liga Gamersnet)
- 3 Teilnahmen an den World Cyber Games (2006-2008) (WCG – Weltmeisterschaft) in Köln, Monza, Seattle
- 3 Teilnahmen an den Samsung Euro Championships (2006 – 2008) (SEC – Europameisterschaft) in Hannover
- 2 Teilnahmen an den E-Sports World Championsship) (2007 & 2008) (ESWC -Championsleague)
- 4-facher Finalist der ESL Pro Series Alpen (EPS Alpen- Lokale Profi Liga der Alpen Region)
2010 – 2016 Dota2
- 2-facher Schweizer Meister mit dem Team mYinsanity
- 2 Jahre ungeschlagen gegen Schweizer Teams
- Teilnahme an anerkannten Online Turnieren
Thomas Temperli
Projektmanager E-Sports
Interest in the workout?
Feel free to contact us.