Ruth Eugster

Ruth Eugster

PartnerMember of the executive boardSenior ConsultantBack office managerEventsT +41 (0)31 312 67 70M +41 (0)79 624 64 “For me, a job is done, whenever the customer is fully satisfied. I enjoy working with our clients and look forward to...
Richard Hurni

Richard Hurni

FounderPartnerMember of the executive board Senior ConsultantSports ManagementEventsT +41 (0)31 312 58 20M +41 (0)79 208 23 “My day starts when most people are still asleep, but it ends when many are already bed down. Yes, I love my...
Patrick Gunti

Patrick Gunti

Online Editor/Content ManagerT +41 (0)31 312 58 “To deal with the present flood of information on every channel is a real challenge. I enjoy providing the desired information quickly and competently in a...
Patrick Fischer

Patrick Fischer

Senior consultant T +41 (0)31 318 23 47 “To me, sports have always been more than just a wonderful pastime. Sports are passion, ambition, drive and emotion – things I also want to include and experience in my daily work at by the...
Beni Zuberbühler

Beni Zuberbühler

Graphic «The broad field of my profession in combination with exciting customer projects is what motivates me every...
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